Custom programming

SOFTBEC is aware that two (2) companies, in the same field, do not necessarily operate in the same way.

Our team of qualified and experienced programmers can assemble tailor-made solutions in record time and at an affordable price to meet your specific business needs.

Multi-platform programming

For for PCs, Webs and / or Mobile applications

Thanks to a team of experienced analysts and programmers, SOFTBEC can design personalized applications in record time and at an affordable price. We offer solutions accessible on one or more of the following IT platforms:




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Save time and money

If you have OTO Nom-i, you probably know that this application is an ERP / CRM solution, fully modular, customizable and available in cross-platform. Basic, this application offers you all the tools necessary for the good management of your business. But if you need more … fear not!

OTO Nom-i has a complete API / SDK that allows its programmers, authorized partners and customers to customize the interface and management of different processes to meet the specific needs of each company. If necessary, our specialists can provide you with new interfaces, new reports and / or new functionalities thanks to report editors and programming tools (macro) integrated and distributed free of charge with the application.

All our work is guaranteed for a period of 30 days.